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Marley RWB.jpg

Name: Marley

Breed: Pony

Birth Year: 

Arrival Date: 12/15/2015

Marley was surrendered to the Humane Society of Morrow County after the owners were confronted with several counts of neglect, spanning many different species of animals on their property. The Circle P and Humane Society members had to build a human and metal panel chute to herd Marley into the trailer. This was no easy task as Marley was feral. Once loaded, she was brought to the Circle P Sanctuary to decompress and begin her rehabilitation process. Marley's mane was full of debris and almost to the ground in ratted tangles and dreadlocks. She had a halter imbedded into her face and overgrown hooves. It took weeks of patience on both humans and animals part, but finally we were able to cut Marley free of her halter and start to handle her in small doses to get her cleaned up. Once we were able to have a medical and dental exam done, it was discovered she had several cracked and broken teeth, resulting in a trip down to The Ohio State University for multiple dental surgeries


Fast forward to today, Marley may be small in stature, standing at only 13.2 hands high, but she is big in personality. She still requires patience and a gentle touch, but once you have gained her trust she is willing to give you her all. To our knowledge, she has no physical limitations preventing her from being ridden, however, she has had zero training for such activities. Marley is best suited for an experienced horse home that would have the time and resources to invest in cultivating a mutual relationship. She is smart, fast and a beloved sassy member of our barn family! 

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Circle P Sanctaury, Inc.

2013 County Rd 24

Marengo, Ohio 43334

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